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It is the nature of the Spells, to be to be different; the spell will chooses you, so use your intuition when you pick one. They are all hand created in the Enchantress Apothecary.


All the magic potions have been made with high quality ingredients, from therapeutic essential oils to home-grown and dried herbs. All the spells come with a candle; a magic potion and incense, there are some articles that vary for each kind like crystals, talismans, white sage or salts.


Each spell is made with love and the purpose of each one depends on the colour. Some uses but not limited are as follows:


  • Red (Love Bath): when you feel lonely, when you are ready to find the men of your dreams, low self-esteem, arguments within the family and creating a better circle of friends.
  • Orange (opening of opportunities): When you are stack in life, moving to a new place, finding new friends, removing obstacles.
  • Yellow (Prosperity): buying or selling a house, finding a job, school or uni exams, getting a pay rise, growing a business or settle legal problems.
  • Green (Healing): aids in your spiritual journey and your healers career, helps with disease and aids the absorption of nutrients from the foods you eat.
  • Blue (Protection): when you feel psychically attacked, to protect you from abusers and bullies, to protect you from stalkers, it works on toxic friendships, protection from jealousy and envy.
  • Purple (Transmutation): Changing situations drastically, to assist with grief, to open up spiritually.


The lids are made with amazing Nature’s Gifts and can also be used for decoration or as potpourri.

They are white magic spells, so remember, not controlling anyone’s will while doing a spell and the universe will deliver you with the best thing for you.


Enjoy the Journey ! The Enchantress. 


The Spells will be shipped within 3 days of ordering.


If you have a particular case and you cannot find the type of Spell you require, please send me an email and I will do my best to accomodate your needs. 


SKU: 60

    By appointment, Mon - Sat: 9am - 4pm

    After hours by request

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    Diddillibah, Sunshine Coast, QLD Australia

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