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They are like bath salts, but with a bit of magic. They are like Magic Potions that you submerge in.

They are a unique and effective way to create magic. 


Magic Potions have been use for many generation, as well as bath salts.  The combination of both is a very powerful way to attract beautiful things to your life. 


My potions are White Magic Potions, wich means that we dont control anyones will, but we artehr leave it to the will of the Universe and what it is best for us in the long run.  


You can use them in rituals, personal development or even foot soaks. The idea is that you place an intesntion before you use them, and use them in a place and a time where you wont be disturb, so you can contemplate on what you are asking for. 


There is enough power there for 2 uses, and they all include a crystal that has been charges with Reiki for extra effectiveness. 


The options are: 

  • Chakra Balancing
  • Grounding
  • Abundance
  • Self Esteem
  • Healing 
  • Protection
  • Transformation 
  • Cleansing



What  Bathik Potion do I need ? 

  • GROUNDING when you feel spaced out, you can’t complete tasks, you feel isolated and lonely, when you don’t feel at home.
  • ABUNDANCE When you need to speed up the manifestation process, remove obstacles, get untick or manifest more abundance in any way.
  • SELF ESTEEM when you feel low and blue, lost self-love and can’t find happiness in anything you do, to recover the belief in yourself.
  • HEALING: to assist with pains and aches, physical body matters and physical body healing.  
  • PROTECTION: when you need a shiel around you, to find strength and courage to take inspired actions.  
  • TRANSFORMATION Changing situations in your life, to change the mood and to find peace within changes that are already happening.
  • CLEANSING a beautiful clearing of your etheric field, leaving space in your aura to help you bring new things into manifestation.   For times when you ‘have had enough’
  • CHAKRA BALANCING a beautiful balancing blend that is all rounded, you can place the intention you need. When you are feeling ‘out of sorts’



I hope you enjoy using them ! 


Bath-ik Potions

  • They are like bath salts, but with a bit of magic. They are like Magic Potions that you submerge in.

    They are unique, effective and an amazing way to create magic and to have the life of your dreams.


By appointment, Mon - Sat: 9am - 4pm

After hours by request

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Diddillibah, Sunshine Coast, QLD Australia

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